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Junior Morality Class Successfully Raises Funds for Kiva Microloan Projects

The Junior Morality classes are proud to announce the 2023 winners of Roger Bacon’s Kiva microloan advocacy project.

Although 10 groups received the highest ranking for their elevator speeches to the judges on during the Kiva fair on Wednesday, May 3rd, the following 3 groups of those 10 advocated for individuals that still needed money towards their outstanding loans. The following groups successfully advocated for the following loans:

Anaya Savage, Cameron Schildmeyer, and Kaylee Hawkins advocated on behalf of Melissa in the Philipines for $275. This $275 helped close out this loan and allow Melissa to be fully funded.

Kennedy Dawson, Gabrielle Terlinden, Cynthia Boyle and Parker Cribbs advocated on behalf of Elisabeta from Albania for $275.

Joslyn Parker and Gwyneth Danner advocated on behalf of Esther from Uganda for $275.

All of these microloans were supported by real dollars raised through the last 7 years from dress down days and by earning interest on the loans over this time. Slowly over time, Roger Bacon has grown the pool of money that can be offered to individuals through microloans that allows individuals in poverty situations to have access to credit to be able to create sustainable, meaningful work for themselves, their families and their communities.

Good work to the entire Junior class for successfully advocating for a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable by offering opportunities for the dignity of work and respecting and uplifting the dignity and value of all people!