Weekly Schedule:
- Regular Schedule
- Community Service Opportunity: Food Pantry at St. Clement
- Varsity Softball vs Seven Hills @ Vine Street Park
- Regular Schedule
- Community Outreach Opportunity: Clifton View Senior Living
- Varsity Baseball vs Cincinnati Country Day @ Ross Park
- Varsity Lacrosse @ Anderson
- Varsity Softball @ Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy
- Varsity Boys Volleyball @ Lakota West
- Regular Schedule
- National Honor Society Induction Ceremony (Flex in the FAC)
- Varsity Softball vs Seton @ Vine Street Park
- Varsity Track (Taylor Invitational) @ Taylor
- Varsity Boys Volleyball vs Walnut Hills
- Regular Schedule
- Varsity Baseball @ Cincinnati Country Day
- Varsity Lacrosse vs Mercy McAuley
- Varsity Softball vs Purcell @ Owls Nest Park
- No School - Faculty/Staff Professional Development
- Prom (Newport Aquarium from 7:30 - 11:30 pm)
- Varsity Baseball vs Reading @ Ross Park
- On Tuesday, April 25th, Liturgical Ministers Training will take place in the Our Lady of the Angels Chapel during Flex. We are in need of servers, lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers to serve at mass next school year. Please come to the training and be part of a beautiful ministry! See Mrs. Becker with questions.
- Juniors and Seniors: Hartwell Recreation Center is hosting an information program for the Cincinnati Fire Department and Cincinnati Police Department on Tuesday April 25th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Members of both departments will be available for one-on-one conversations about the recruitment process as well as the Cadet programs. This program is offered only to students at Roger Bacon and Purcell Marian High School. One of our alumni, Ed Shea ’74, has helped coordinate this opportunity for our students. You do not need to register in advance, but please let Ms. Rosfeld know if you plan to attend.
- If you are interested in being part of Student Senate for the 2023/24 school year, sign-up sheets are outside of the Guidance and Advancement offices until Wednesday, April 26th. After signing up, you will receive an email from Mr. Smith about the next steps for applying.
- Bacon Gives Back. It’s Go Local time! On Friday, May 12th, we are spending the whole day outside the classroom. In the morning, we will put our faith into action by serving our community of Saint Bernard where we have proudly called home. Then, we will return for a provided lunch and our Powderpuff football game and Robot Wars. There is no classroom instruction – just fun while serving our community. Knowing that service is more fun with friends by your side, there are sign-up sheets outside the Spiritual Life Office at Room 21 for sophomore and senior students. Sign-up for teams will be open until Thursday, April 27th at 2:45 pm. Talk to your friends and sign up for a Bacon Gives Back team - it should be a blast. Freshmen will be in their communities with their senior leader. You do not need to sign up for teams. Watch for further details via email and announcement.
- AP Testing Late Arrival/ Early Dismissal Permission forms have been emailed to all AP students. These were sent to the email associated with their My AP account. Paper forms available in the Guidance Office. Signed forms must be returned to the Guidance Office no later than April 27th. See Ms. Smith with any questions!
- The Prom will be held on Friday, April 28th from 7:30-11:30 pm at the Newport Aquarium. There is no school on April 28th.
- Kenzie's Closet is nonprofit organization that provides prom dresses and accessories to high school students at no cost to those who are in current financial or personal need. Please see Ms. Smith in the Guidance Office for more information about receiving prom dress assistance.
- 2022-2023 President Volunteer Service Award. In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the
President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too. The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation.
Roger Bacon High School is a certified organization that recognizes exceptional volunteers using the President’s Volunteer Service Award. All hours for the PVSA must be recorded in MobileServe and completed applications are sent to Father Roger Lopez, OFM - Director of Community Outreach at: Outreach@RogerBacon.org. Applications are located outside of the Spiritual Life Office and due by Friday, April 28th.
- Information has been sent to all students regarding application process for Spiritual Life Ministry Leadership (Community Outreach Board, God Squad, and Spartan Leader). Applications for ministerial leadership in these areas are due by May 1st. All are welcome to apply - we need your gifts and talents! Please consider one of these amazing ministries! Contact the following people with questions:
Community Outreach: Mr. Alex Rodriguez, arodriguez@rogerbacon.org
Spartan Leader: Mr. Zlatic, pzlatic@rogerbacon.org
God Squad: Mrs. Becker, jbecker@rogerbacon.org.
Key Senior Dates/Activities
Senior Parents: I sent you a letter with some important upcoming events for our seniors. I made a mistake on the cover letter with a couple dates concerning graduation activities and want to make sure you have the correct information. The “End of Year Senior Information Sheet” on bright orange paper is correct. Key dates are as follows:
- Prom – Friday, April 28th
- Academic/Service Awards Recognition (Virtual) – Starting the week of May 1st
- Senior Exams – Monday, May 15th and Tuesday, May 16th
- Senior Lock-In – Thursday, May 18th
- Senior Assembly / Last Day: Friday, May 19th
- Assisi Scholar Banquet – Sunday, May 21st
- Graduation Practice - Tuesday, May 23rd
- Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony – Thursday, May 25th
- Graduation – Friday, May 26th
Guidance Department
AP Testing
The AP Testing Schedule is as follows:
- Monday, May 1st: AP United States Government and Politics
- Tuesday, May 2nd: AP Psychology
- Wednesday, May 3rd: AP Computer Science A
- Thursday, May 4th: AP Seminar / AP Statistics
- Friday, May 5th: AP United States History
- Monday, May 8th: AP Calculus
- Wednesday, May 10th: AP Biology
- Thursday, May 11th: AP Physics 1
Grief and Loss Support Group
Our Grief and Loss Support Group hosted by Companions on a Journey. This group is for any student in our Roger Bacon community that has been impacted by loss. The group meets on Thursday, May 11th in room 20 from 9:30 – 10:15 am.
We have reached out to MindPeace as a resource for our students and families dealing with mental health issues. MindPeace helps families and schools identify resources by housing a database of community and school-based mental health professionals and agencies. Visit the MindPeace homepage to find the searchable database or you can contact them directly at (513) 803-0844 if you need additional mental health resources in the Greater Cincinnati area. Several suggested resources include the following:
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
- Best Point Behavioral Health by The Children's Home is a pediatric mental health urgent care facility. They see people up to age 21, Monday through Friday from 3:00 - 10:00 pm, and help those who need immediate social or emotional care not rising to the level of going to the hospital. For information about mental health programs for children and their families, call (513) 272-2800 or email info@bestpoint.org.
- To find a therapist in Greater Cincinnati for people up to age 25, use the MindPeace searchable data base at https://mindpeacecincinnati.com/search/?wpbdp_view=search.
- For coping strategies, go to the virtual MindPeace Rooms at https://mindpeacecincinnati.com/virtual-mindpeace-rooms/.
Summer Opportunities
Is the winter weather making you wish for summer? Check out the Guidance website for our 2023-2024 Summer Programming list. This list will be updated regularly as we receive information about programs for this summer. https://www.rogerbacon.org/academics/guidance-counseling/summer-programs
Now that many seniors have received their college acceptances, it’s time to start getting scholarships to pay for college! There are several scholarships already listed on the Guidance website (under the “Academics” tab) – check it out regularly to see all of the updates. Scholarship updates can also be found on our twitter account @RBGuidance.
College Visits
Check for updates on Naviance and register to meet with these College Admissions Representatives. Fall is a great time to visit colleges in person. Seniors have THREE college visit days they can use – remember to get the form signed and turned in to Mr. McCoy one week in advance of your visit.
Follow the counselors on twitter at @RBGuidance for updates!
Community Outreach
Senior Service Experience
Class of 2024 (rising juniors) need to understand the requirements and expectations for their senior service experience. It may seem overwhelming. Community Outreach has created video to help educate and inform you of importance aspects of the Senior Service Experience. Start by watching the YouTube video that walks you through many details, from ideas to registration: https://youtu.be/Nq_6RYL55a4. Then, consult the “Frequently Asked Questions” sheet to provide quick answers to typical questions. Everything you need is located in the 2023-2024 Senior Service Packet.
Community Service Opportunities. For a comprehensive guide to Roger Bacon’s Community Service program click here. You can email our department with any questions at: Outreach@RogerBacon.org.
Kroger Card
Please consider adding Roger Bacon Athletics to your Kroger Plus Card for their Community Rewards Program! This does not take long at all to sign up and does not take away any fuel points.
Here is how to sign up:
- visit https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow
- sign in OR create your FREE online account
- Go to “My Account” then select “Community Rewards” on the left tab
- Search for “Roger Bacon Athletic Association” or enter our organization ID which is FL801
Click here to watch a video on how to do this!
Remote Instruction - Expectations
At some point this year, students may need to attend Roger Bacon remotely due to COVID quarantine guidelines. In order to stay caught up with classes while on remote, please use following guidelines:
- A parent or guardian must notify the main office in order for you to be listed as remote for the day.
- To enter a teacher’s Zoom room, click on the link posted in your class bulletin board on SpartanLink.
- If you are waiting to be let in to a teacher’s Zoom room, email jvehorn@rogerbacon.org
ASAP to alert us of this issue so we can get you connected.
- You must have your full, correct name listed in Zoom.
- You must have your video on at all times and microphone on mute unless the teacher asks you to unmute.
- If you need to step away to use the restroom, use the chat function in Zoom to alert the teacher.
- RB dress code must be observed.
- All disciplinary expectations will be followed (no sleeping, no chewing gum or eating, etc.).
Alumni/ae News
- First Friday Mass. Mass is at 8:15 am in the Carol Dauwe Fine Arts Center. Pastries and coffee are served after Mass. We usually have 40-50 OLA and RB alums, friends and relatives on a regular basis. Contact a fellow alum and enjoy a morning of prayer and fellowship. Reservations are not necessary. The next First Friday Mass is Friday, May 5th.
- Alumni Association Meetings. All alums are welcome to come and help support the students at RB. The next meeting is Thursday, May 11th at 6:30 pm in the ITC.
- Bron Bacevich Memorial Engraved Bricks. Support the Roger Bacon/OLA Alumni Association by purchasing a brick which can be designated for placement in the new stadium. For more information, contact Rick Sollmann at 641-1313 or rsollmann@rogerbacon.org.
Cafeteria Information
- WG Grinders partners with MySchoolAccount.com for the managing of our lunch service software and payments. MySchoolAccount.com offers you the ability to make deposits directly into your student’s account online or via their mobile app. Here you can track what your children have been eating for the past 30 days, transfer funds between students and have an email reminder sent to you when an account balance gets low. Deposits and payments can be made through ACH (checking/savings) or credit/debit card. We will still accept checks sent to the school (made out to WG Grinders), credit card payments at the register, and cash. Each child’s account will be updated in real time, so account balance information will be current daily.
- Questions? Contact Mark Jones, IT Director, WG Grinders Catering and Cafeteria Operations, at wggrinders@wggrindersdayton.com or via phone at (937) 760-7346.
School Nurse
- An important part of our safety plan is ensuring that students who are sick are not permitted to come to school. If you are sick, please stay home. Check the temperature of students before leaving home. Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees of higher should stay at home.
- Students are not permitted to carry any medications (except for inhalers and epi pens). Tylenol and Ibuprofen are available to students in the nurse’s office. All other medications needed during school hours are to be kept in the nurse’s office and a Medication Authorization Form completed and signed by their physician. This form is available on the school website in Health Services or contact the nurse.
- Senior students must submit documentation of receiving their Meningitis vaccine. If you have not yet done so, please send an updated vaccine record to the nurse. If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Karin Herold, via email or leave a voice message 513-641-1300, ext 1140.
COVID-19 Policies and Protocols
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) updated its COVID-19 guidance for students ahead of the new school year. ODH no longer recommends widespread masking and COVID testing for schools. Instead, state health officials ask people who feel ill to stay home and away from others – just as they would with other illnesses.
We also received operational guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support “safe in-person learning.” The CDC no longer recommends quarantining if a person comes into close contact with someone with the virus regardless of vaccination status. The CDC has also dropped its suggestion to keep six feet apart from others.
The CDC provided a variety of strategies for everyday operations to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.
- Stay Up-to-Date on Vaccinations. COVID-19 vaccinations help people from getting severely ill with COVID-19. Roger Bacon does not require students or staff to be vaccinated to attend school or participate in school activities and extracurriculars.
- Stay Home When Sick. Families are reminded of the importance of keeping students out of the classroom if they are sick. Anyone with symptoms or a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit should stay home.
- Ventilation. Optimizing ventilation and making improvements to indoor air quality reduces the risk of germs and contaminants spreading through the air. We have made significant improvements to the air quality throughout the school.
- Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette. Washing hands can prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Reinforce coverings coughs and sneezes to help individuals from getting and spreading infectious diseases. Roger Bacon will provide adequate hand-washing supplies and hand-sanitizing opportunities in classrooms and high-traffic areas throughout school facilities.
- Masking. The wearing of face coverings is not mandated. Parents have the option to have their children wear masks while in school or participating in school activities. Disposable masks will be available at all primary entrances to school facilities.
Positive Test. Individuals who test positive should self-quarantine for 5 days from the day symptoms first appear or the date of the COVID test if the individual is asymptomatic. If after 5 days the individual is asymptomatic (no symptoms), no further quarantine is required.
Exposure. Roger Bacon does not do contact tracing. If someone has been exposed, they should monitor for symptoms. If symptoms persist, recommend consulting your family physician.
Remote Learning. Roger Bacon does not offer full-time remote learning. This option is only available to those students while in a quarantine status.
Sports. The use of face coverings will not be required to attend sporting events. There will not be capacity limits at sporting events.
Important Upcoming Dates:
May 1: AP United States Government and Politics Test
May 2: AP Psychology Test
May 3: AP Computer Science A Test
May 4: AP Seminar / AP Statistics Test
May 5: Fine Arts Festival / AP United States History Test
May 8: AP Calculus Test
May 9: PTO Meeting (7:00 pm in the ITC)
May 10: AP Biology Test
May 11: AP Physics 1 Test
May 12: Bacon Gives Back / Michaela Farms / Powderpuff Football
May 15-16: Senior Exams
May 17: Senior Make-up Exams
May 18: All School Mass / Senior Lock-In
May 19: Seniors Last Day
May 21: Senior Assisi Scholar Banquet
May 22: Underclass Last Day
May 23: Underclass Exams/Graduation Practice
May 24: Underclass Exams
May 25: Baccalaureate Evening Mass & Awards
May 26: Graduation
May 30-June 1: Kairos
Aug 10-11: Freshmen Orientation Days
Aug 16: First Day of Classes for All Students
Sept 4: No School - Labor Day
Sept 14: Meet the Teacher Night
Sept 15: No School - Professional Development
Sept 20: Freshmen Grandparents Day / Financial Aid Night
Oct 16: No School - Professional Development
Oct 20: Homecoming
Oct 21: Homecoming Dance
Oct 27: Dismissal at 12:00 - Pre-ACT/ Practice ACT Testing / Job Shadowing
Oct 30: No School
Nov 9: Veteran’s Day Assembly
Nov 10: No School - Veterans’ Day Observed
Nov 22-27: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Dec 18-19: First semester exams
Dec 20 - Jan 2, 2024: No School - Christmas Break
Jan 3, 2024: No School - Professional Development / Exam Make-Up Day
Jan 15, 2024: No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan 18, 2024: No School - Professional Development / Athletic Sports Stag
Jan 19, 2024: No School
Jan 25, 2024: Science Fair
Feb 12, 2024: No School - Professional Development
Feb 19, 2024: No School - Presidents’ Day
Feb 27, 2024: Early Dismissal (12:00 pm) - ACT (Juniors) / IOWA Testing (Freshmen)
Mar 11, 2024: No School
Mar 19, 2024: Career Day
Mar 27, 2024: No School – Staff Religious In-Service Day
Mar 27 - April 7, 2024: No School - Easter Break
Apr 1-8, 2024: San Juan Bautista Pilgrimage
Apr 1-9, 2024: Assisi Scholars Pilgrimage
Apr 13, 2024: Evening For Excellence
Apr 26, 2024: No School - PROM
Apr 29, 2024: No School - Professional Development
May 3, 2024: Fine Arts Festival
May 6-17, 2024: AP Testing
May 20-21, 2024: Senior Exams
May 22, 2024: Senior Make-up Exams / Senior Lock-In (evening)
May 23, 2024: Seniors Last Day / Senior Assembly
May 24, 2024: Underclass Last Day of Classes
May 27, 2024: No School - Memorial Day
May 28, 2024: Underclass Exams
May 29, 2024: Underclass Exams / Graduation Practice
May 30, 2024: Baccalaureate Evening Mass & Awards
May 31, 2024: Graduation